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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  February 13, 2013 1:40am-4:00am PST

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remains are in the cabin. we will have the latest on the morning news at 4:30 a.m. while they are not sure whether he is inside, most of the officers in the surrounding area have pulled back indicating they do not believe there is any further danger jie. they had it surrounded at the time. >> that's it for this edition. >> thanks for joining us, everyone. everyone. follow us on twitter at abc7 hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thought you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts.
1:41 am and all other major tax stores combined.
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♪ being a sharp dressed man, of course, is always important. but especially on valentine's day, whether you're on a first date or whether you've been married for years. >> and getting the right look is actually easier than you think. we sent abc's molly hunter to get some expert advice. good tips you got? >> reporter: good morning. this was a tough assignment. i visited the headquarters of one of the most stylish men's magazines for some simple tips any guy can follow. with valentine's day fast approaching, the pressure is on to impress your date. with flowers, chocolates and restaurants to think about, your outfit should be the least of your worries. so what to wear?
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in search of expert advice, we asked matthew martin what men should and should not wear on a romantic night out. the choices are endless, and the options overwhelming. matthew put together three full-proof low maintenance outfits for the average guy. >> here we've got a simple outfit. it's a great leather jacket, a white jean. yes, you can wear white jeans. and we've put on a pair of simple sneakers. but very chic and simple look. this is a sweater from steven allen. i love this sweater. you could wear it to a restaurant. you could wear it to cooking someone dinner. it's a versatile look. and i love the simplicity. this is for going from the office to your date. and the thing i love about this,
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is notice the suit itself. this is a perfect outfit your wear to work. you still look super chic and professional. he looks clean and minimal, simple and gorgeous and put together. >> reporter: what's your go-to look? >> my favorite is the suit. it's really easy and if you get a suit that fits you, it's more comfortable than a t-shirt or pair of jeans. if you don't know your size, go to a department store and you can get sized out really quickly. >> reporter: you heard the man, go simple and classic this valentine's day. so rob, when it comes to men's fashion, less is more. all you need is a good suit, some worn jeans or cool sneakers. >> there we go. >> asking for a lot from men, though. that knit sweater was a little on the border. >> but that suit, any day.
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>> the leather jacket was hot, too. >> too much attention on fashion when everybody ends up buck naked at the end of the day any way. keep it in perspective. i'm practical. sorry, molly. welcome. still ahead, the news you've all been waiting for. >> there's a winner in the best in show after westminister dog show. you're watching "world news now."
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after a tense two days of judging, the nation has a new top dog this morning. >> the winner named just a few hours ago at madison square garden here in new york. >> for the 137th westminister kennel club dog show. >> meet banana joe, named best
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in show at the 137th westminister kennel club dog show last night. the 5-year-old dog beat out nearly 3,000 other dogs to take the top crown. >> it's almost undescribable. it's just a wonderful thing as a tribute for a small breed with such a big heart. >> reporter: if banana joe looks smug, it's because he's won best in show 86 times, but never here, where he crushed the competition. and the nation's number one show dog, a german wirehaired pointer named oakley. >> miss new york. >> reporter: unlike miss america, there's no telling category here. no question and answer round. but it's every bit a beauty contest. as dogs descended on the big apple, we got a look at their regimen. treadmills, blowouts, manicures,
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even pilates. >> it's a great event for anybody in the sport, anybody who loves dog. >> reporter: the annual convention of canine perfection began before the lightbulb was invented, history that's likely lost on banana joe, the first of his bred to ever win westminister. it's the last win for banana joe. this morning, he's officially retired. >> when you see his face, i was expecting a much bigger dog. like his face looked like he was huge. like his face looked like he was huge.
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have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion.
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in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. welcome, everybody. this is "the mix." we're starting out with kind of like the antithesis to a valentine's day present. there is competition to help unhappy couples move forward and he says he will give anybody free divorces valentine's day if the person can come up with the best breakup story yet.
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so this is ordinarily $1,500 to $3,000, but he says he'll give it for free if you come one a good story. the deadline is february 12th. >> so it pasted. the deadline is february 12th. >> so it past. it's over. but he said he was inspired by the idea because he went to someone's divorce celebration. if you're not happy and you break out and you're able to do it cleanly. >> you get a good free divorce. you tell all your friends and all year friends go to the same guy. >> so congrats to that one special couple in michigan. but a free divorce ain't a bad deal. this headline caught our eye. this may come in handy, this news. watching porn is the easiest way to catch a virus on your smartphone. my mind went to a different place. let me clarify what this means. compared to a pc, a user is
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three times -- >> i thought you were going to say something else. >> a user is three times more likely to download malware. so you're much more likely to catch something bad on your smartphone. just a heads up for all you guys out there. here's something interesting. this apparently went viral. there was a blog called bitter barista. it's a guy who works at starbucks in seattle. he was basically making fun of all the customers saying in one quote, my only goal for the month is to figure out how to pour a pitcher of a middle finger in latte art. any way, a website discovered who he was and put that out there. he's been fired but he is getting other job offers from other coffee shops.
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>> wow. anybody who works in the service industry has a right to vent. the public can be rough to deal with. also new dance craze. gangnam style was the big thing in 2012. the harlam shake is the new thing in 2013. it's gone viral. i've never seen it before. i got to be honest. are we just flailing? >> you just flail.
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this morning on this morning on "world news now," a violent ending to a this morning on "world news now," a violent ending to a week-long manhunt. >> first a shootout, then a standoff and a fire. this morning, authorities hoping they've ended a murder spree by one of america's most wanted men. it's wednesday, february 13th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm diana perez.
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we'll have more on the still developing situation in california. but first, a look at some of the other stories that we're following for you this morning. president obama gives his fourth state of the union address, focusing on jobs, the economy and education. we're live in our nation's capital with more on the president's speech and the reaction. >> interesting setting of the stage for the second term. >> not what a lot of people were expecting. >> a little less partisan. the inaugural was criticized for being very partisan. so we'll see what it means when the theater of it is over with. also this half hour, love is in the air. of course, tomorrow being valentine's day. but what about playing cupid as a career? we'll stake you inside an actual matchmaking school. should be very interesting. >> i wonder what they ever teach you? >> did you ever go on a blind date? >> blind dates, no. but i've been set up on awful, awful dates.
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so i would love to know what you learn as a matchmaker. my record is like 0-10. >> really? >> it's really bad. i'm no longer allowed to do it. >> that piece is for you then. plus, chris brown creating trouble again. there's a fresh fallout from the bad boy's community service scandal. it may now be costing someone their job. we'll explain all that in "the skinny." >> he just can't stay out of the headlines. new details on the breaking news overnight from southern california. christopher dorner's run from the law appears, and we should strongly emphasize that word at this point, appears to have ended inside that mountain cabin. >> that's where a gun battle ensued, followed by a raging fire. police say before dorner holed himself in that cabin, he killed a deputy sheriff, bringing the murder total to four. abc's brandi hitt is joining us from los angeles with the latest. >> reporter: good morning.
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the fiery and deadly shootout with police is over. now authorities are sifting flu a massive crime scene, as we wait for official word that a suspect believed to be christopher dorner was killed. >> this is a relentless fire. >> reporter: the manhunt for accused cop killer christopher dorner has taken another deadly turn. after a week on the run, police say a suspect matching dorner's description was involved in a shootout with deputies. >> we believe that someone was inside and that was the person that stole the vehicle and fled, then abandoned the vehicle, ran into the forest and inside this cabin where he barricaded himself and was engaged in gunfire with our deputy sheriffs, shot two of our deputy sheriffs and one of those deputies died. >> reporter: authorities say he first held two women hostage in their home, including jay
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hilton's wife. >> he tied them up and stole the car. they're okay, as far as we know. >> reporter: in fact, one of the hostages untied herself and called 911. but when deputies caught up to the suspect, he abandoned the stolen car and fled on foot leading to a shootout. the intense moments of gunfire were caught on the air. [ gunfire ] that's when authorities say the suspect barricaded himself inside this cabin. s.w.a.t. teams surrounded the home and released this message. >> enough is enough. it's time to turn yourself in and stop the bloodshed. it's time to let this event and this incident be over. >> reporter: but dorner promised there would be no negotiating. gunshots were fired, then a fire that burned through the night. despite early reports that a body has been found at the
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scene, the lapd says no body has been removed because the cabin is still too hot to search. >> thanks a lot, brandi. they're not confirming this is the guy. some sources are saying all signs would seem to indicate it is dorner. again, we probably won't know until tomorrow. but it's probably a safe assumption to say it is the suspect. >> interesting about this cabin where he was holed up. the owner was interviewed by another media outlet. he was asked whether or not the cabin was equipped with internet and television access because they were worried he would be monitoring immediamedia reports. but of course we know if he is the person that is in the cabin, and according to police it sounds like the suspect is him, he didn't have any access to television or the internet. that's what they were hoping for.
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>> we'll keep an eye on that story. moving on now to the president's call for bipartisan cooperation in his state of the union address last night. the president urged lawmakers to work together during his hour-long speech last night, to complete what he called the "unfinished task of the nation's economic revival." >> abc's marci gonzalez joins us with the details. good morning. >> reporter: the president outlined his second term agenda. the big focus, jobs and economic growth. >> the president of the united states. thank you. >> reporter: president obama touching on topics from education to strengthening the middle class. >> it is our up finished task to make sure this government works on behalf of the many, not just the few. >> reporter: as the president gave the state of the union address, a noticeable presence
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of victims of gun violence. >> it has been two months since newtown. i know this is not the first time this country has debated how to reduce gun violence. but this time is different. >> reporter: the president also announced that half of the troops now serving in afghanistan, about 34,000, will be home by this time next year. but the focus remains primarily on the economy, with several proposals including a plan to raise the minimum wage. >> tonight, let's declare that in the wealthiest nation on earth, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty. >> reporter: republicans spot back, the response given in both spanish and english by marco rubio, who accused the president of hurting the middle class with deficit spending and tax hikes. >> the idea that more taxes and government spending is the best way to help middle class taxpayers, that's an old idea
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that's failed every time it's been tried. >> reporter: now the president will go on the road to promote that agenda. he just outlined his first stop north carolina later today. rob? >> back on the campaign trail. marci, i have saw you many mornings here, so officially welcome to the network. >> reporter: thank you. in other news this morning, new details today and that disabled cruise ship being towed to an alabama port. the cruise line is now apologizing. passengers have described chaotic conditions, including overflowing toilets and limited access to food. there are also fears about the spread of disease, particularly the norovirus. with good weather conditions, that ship should reach mobile, alabama, by tomorrow. another benefit to a common supplement used by millions of expectant mothers. folic acid can reduce the chance
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of having a child with autism by 40%. that's if women take it a month before conception and two months into pregnancy. the study followed more than 85,000 norwegian mothers who gave birth between 2002 and 2008. carnival season is officially over this year, and gloomy skies a little bit of rain did not stop it from going out with a bang. >> about a million party goers crammed into new orleans for fat tuesday festivities. but forecasts may have kept away the feint of heart, but most of the revelers were so focused on the drinks and beads, they didn't pay much attention to the rain. >> the party wrapped up at midnight just in time to usher in ash wednesday. most people forget there is a religious history behind mardi gras. so now the lent season begins to repent of the last two weeks of partying.
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coming up next, more coverage from the president's state of the union. what's real, what's rehearsed and what's purely accidental? but first, just in time for valentine's day, we'll take you to a matchmaking school for tips on finding love this valentine's day. you're watching "world news now." have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness,
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agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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ahh, cloudy glasses. you didn't have to come over! easy. hi. cascade kitchen counselor. look! over time, cascade complete pacs fight film buildup two times better than finish quantum to help leave glasses sparkling. cascade. the clear choice.
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she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. and she's not exactly tidy. even if she gets a stain she'll wear it for a week straight. so i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. since i'm the one who has to do the laundry. i do what any expert dad would do. i let her play sheriff. i got 20 minutes to life. you are free to go. [ dad ] tide and downy. great on their own, even better together.
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♪ ♪ cupid, draw back your bow and let your arrow go ♪ ♪ straight to my lover's heart >> getting in the mood already. all right. we're less than 24 hours to that special day dedicated to cupid and finding love. >> it made us wonder, can you learn to be a matchmaker? or better yet, can you make a living out of it? welcome, lana. what can you tell us, what secrets are there? >> get professional help. it's a big, big business. $2 billion and a sizable share of that cash is going to personal matchmakers. there's even a school here in new york that trains all of those brokers of the heart. we go inside as they share their tips for finding love in modern america.
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modern day cupid do it for love and money. like the millionaire matchmaker whose clients spend thousands hoping she'll deliver a soul mate. but can you do what they do? behind this door is a class for cupids, the matchmaking institute. an actual state accredited school founded by lisa clampett. are you still learning about love? >> everything. >> reporter: business is booming. her course draws people from all over, like jason silver from chicago. >> i had an incredible experience with a matchmaker who helped me find my wife. she coached me along wit and i was inspired to help others. >> reporter: they're kind of personal assistants for your love life. evonne is trading in her clients who need legal advice for those that need love advice. >> people have to step away from their old habits and look at
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what they're doing day to day to increase the probability that they'll meet a match. >> reporter: and they have advice for you. first, be specific. >> be decisive and say let's go out next thursday at 8:00. anyone can do that. >> reporter: ignore the nonessentials. >> most people are so interested in shared interests, like what kind of music do you listen to? >> reporter: and of course, you can't hurry love. >> immediately on date one, they're talking about getting married. it comes across as being very -- what's the word i'm looking for? >> reporter: desperate. >> desperate, exactly. and that is a no-no. >> tomorrow morning, two brave souls are letting our cameras tag along, answering the question, can we learn something about how to be successful at love? you'll have to tune in to see what happens next. >> sounds interesting. >> can folks make money doing this? >> a lot of money, especially these high-end matchmaker. an interesting thing about the
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model, very often they charge the guys but not the girls. >> uh-huh, uh-huh. another double standard against us men folk. >> i almost said i'm signing up. i've been married for 5 1/2 years. >> we'll see you again tomorrow. still ahead, why chris brown's criminal case may have claimed a man's job. >> and lots of celebrity baby news. "the skinny" is coming up next. "the skinny" is coming up next.
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♪ skinny, so skinny skinny in the house! >> oh, man. good morning, willis. good morning, america. all right, y'all know the chris brown case. back in 2009, and the assault against his then girlfriend rihanna, now of course they're back together. the whole mess there. apparently the scandal has cost a police chief his job. apparently the l.a. district attorney is looking into the idea maybe there was some discrepancies of his community service requirement, meaning he didn't live up to the court prescribed obligations. well, now the chief of police in richmond decided to step down, not giving exact reasons why, but assuming it's linked to this case.
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the mayor of that town on tuesday accepted the resignation. brown was supposed to do 180 days of community service as part of a five-year probation, but apparently there were discrepancies in this report that the police chief signed off on and it's cost him his job. more fallout. weird story. >> it's a story that keeps getting worse and worse. moving on to much happier news. my celebrity crush, penelope cruz, you remember, is pregnant for the second time. they just announced that they are pregnant. no word on the baby's sex or when the baby is due. also, alec baldwin's wife also announced they're pregnant with their first baby. he's 54, she's 28. she is his yoga instructor. and apparently the baby is due this summer.
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it's going to be the first child for her, but baldwin's second child. >> one thing for sure, they'll be some good-looking kids. you can count on that. and attention all you gaga fans out there, apparently she's called off shows this week in chicago, auburn hills, michigan and hamilton, canada, because of chronic joint pain that she says she's been hiding from her fans. so she announced it over a series of tweeting, saying i've been praying it would heal. i hid it from my staff. i didn't want to disappoint my amazing fans. but after last night's perform i could not walk and still can't. she's apologizing saying i hope you forgive me. but apparently those shows have been canceled, a total of four shows. she's a very physical performer, so hope she gets better soon and all those monsters get their tickets refunded. >> just because she's canceled shows doesn't mean we hate on
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twitter now, because that happens all the time. she's sick. let's leave her alone and let her heal and she'll give you a good, good show. last thing, this is interesting. matt damon says he'll no longer go to the bathroom until everyone has access to clean water and sanitation. but i find that hard to believe and hard to fathom he's not going to use the bathroom. >> number one or number two? >> neither. >> come on, matt, you're full of it. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid kblap. when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath
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or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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ah beautiful. work the camera... work it! those hands. oooh la la! magnifique! what's your secret? what? huh? dawn? how can this be? [ female announcer ] dawn hand renewal with olay beauty helps lock in skin's natural moisture to improve the look and feel of hands in 5 uses. [ sponge ] gotta hand it to your beautiful hands, huh? [ female announcer ] love it, or get double your money back. dawn does more. [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. >> with hotwire's low prices, i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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last night leading up to the state of the union, we were reminded of all the theater that comes with these big political speeches. >> the hand shakes, the applause lines, even the seating
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arrangements. and of course, the unscripted moments. >> the president of the united states. >> reporter: you want to think the pomp and ceremony like this is state in stone, but there's been a fair amount of improv going on. last year's speech, the guy shaking the president's hand, the year before that, the same guy. more than ten years before, same guy. 24 years before, same guy. new york's eliot engel, who always gets there hours ahead of time. >> people are so used to seeing me, if i didn't show up they would think i was sick or something. >> reporter: there's that whole point to the heros in the high seats thing, year after year. but it only started in 1982 when a man named lenny skutnick improved a rescue in real life. audience improv. there was the time president obama tweaked the supreme court decision on campaign financing.
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justice scalia retweaked. not true. definitely part of the ceremony. john von dam, abc news, washington. >> that one dude's commitment every year to get that prime seat hours later like it's a stones concert. >> i love how he said i have to do it, otherwise people would worry. >> to each his own. it is political theater. interesting moments from last night. there was one moment where the president did a fist bump, and i like this, with senator mark kirk from illinois. you may remember him, because he had a serious stroke several months back, and finally was able to come back to congress. there was a famous scene of him walking up the steps. so that was a cool moment between the senator and the president. >> and another moment, this
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probably caught the president off guard, she came over and gave the president a big kiss on the cheek and you can probably see it there, she left her red lipstick right on his cheek. give me some sugar. it was wiped off by the time he went on the stage. >> more from abc next.
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this morning on "world news now," a violent rampage, a violent end. the man hunt for a suspected killer leads to a shootout and a fire. >> this morning, investigators believe the man they've been searching for may have been inside. it's wednesday, february 13th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, i'm diana perez.
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>> and i'm rob nelson. we'll have the latest on the dangerous event that unfolded in california as police surrounded a cabin where ex-lapd officer christopher dorner is thought to have been. developments are still unfolding this morning. first, all those reports came out this is definitely him, the body has been found. but then the cops saying not quite yet. so indications early is that they have gotten their man and he's within that burnt out cabin. but first, a look at some other stories we're following. president obama calls for more jobs and better paychecks for many workers in the state of the union address. the president refocused his agenda and unveiled important proposals. we're live in the nation's capital with more on that. also this morning, an abc news investigation. why victims of the ft. hood shooting say the u.s. government has let them down. on a much lighter note this
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morning, we're going to talk toys. why not? we'll take a look at some of the highlights of this year's international toy fair that took place right here in new york city. some cool toys we're going to show you. but first breaking news. the hunt for christopher dorner appears to be over this morning. police believe his body is still in the burned out cabin but say it's just hot for investigators to go inside. >> dorner is linked to the murder of four people, including a sheriff's deputy who died just yesterday in that gun battle. >> abc's brandi hitt joins us now from los angeles. good morning, brandi. >> reporter: good morning. >> unfortunately, another police officer died yesterday in that shootout with dorner. >> that >> reporter: that's right. this manhunt turned very intense
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yesterday. this deadly shootout happened after a series of events, i ardz cog two deputies, they say that a person matching dorner's description tied up two women and stole their vehicle. that turned into a scenario where one of the women was able to get loose and call 911. authorities then say a person matching dorner's description stole another vehicle, carjacked the vehicle. there was a police chase and once the suspect got out on foot and tried to make a run for it, police say this shootout ensued. we heard some of the sound that was airing live during a broadcast here in los angeles, just very intense and authorities say two deputies were shot. one of those deputies later died from his injuries. another had to have surgery and is still recovering. that's when the manhunt focused with the suspect fleeing into this cabin. s.w.a.t. teams surrounded that cabin and we're still awaiting
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official confirmation that the suspect believed to be christopher dorner is inside. it's practically burned to the ground but authorities have not gone inside to remove if body. >> a dramatic end to a dramatic week. yesterday we were talking about how he may have gone to mexico. but it appears he never actually left the big bear area after his truck was found in the same neighborhood. >> reporter: exactly, rob. and the spot where he was spotted and this manhunt pursued today, this is not far from where that burned out truck was found, which is really interesting. everyone thought that christopher dorner may be so calculating that he tried leaving his badge in san diego, tried hijacking a boat. maybe had purchased scuba gear, and that's what also made this interesting when this fire ensued. they were concerned about going inside, because they did not
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know if the person believed to be dorner may have had those breathing apparatuses with him. so they were very cautious today. i just find it interesting that deputies were persistent for a week saying we're going to go from cabin to cabin and make sure he's not here, and all along they believe he was likely there. we know that the truck according to authorities had a broken axle. so he's been traipsing around the mountains, if this is in fact christopher dorner. and it all ended just miles away. >> very interesting. sometimes the best method is to stay relatively close. so maybe that was part of strategy. thank you, brandi we'll have an eye otoy throughout the ofhe president o state of the union message on the road today. >> the president sprinkled in foreign policy matters, but h focus was firmly here at home. with the details, we're joined
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by abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: the president detailed his second term agenda the big focus here d >> the prideuni states. thank you. >> reporter: president obama touching on topics from education to strengthening the middle class. >> it is our unfinished task to make sure this government works on behalf of the many, not just the few. >> reporter: a noticeable presence of small ribbons worn by the more that be 40 invited guests, all victims or related to victims of gun violence. >> it has been two months since newtown. i know this is not the first time this country has debated how to reduce gun violence. but this time is different. >> reporter: the president also announced that half of the troops now serving in afghanistan, about 34,000, will be home by this time next year. but the focus remains primarily on the economy, with several proposals, including a plan to raise the middle wage. >> tonight, let's declare that in the wealthiest nation on earth no one who works full time should have to live in poverty.
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>> reporter: republicans shot back. the party's response given in both spanish and english by florida senator marko rubio, who accused the president of hurting the middle class with deficit spending and tax hikes. >> the idea that more taxes and more government spending is the best way to help hardworking middle class taxpayers, that's an old idea that's failed every time it's been tried. >> reporter: and the president will now go on the road to promote this agenda that he outlined. his first stop will be north carolina later today. rob and diana? >> and marci, another big topic of discussion in the speech last night was immigration reform. that seemed to be a rare moment of true bipartisanship last night in the speech. >> reporter: that's true. he got a very big applause when he said, send me a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the next few months and i will sign it right away. the president put out a tweet with that quote and it got
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retweeted a bunch of times. that's a big deal to get those retweets. >> also, we heard from marko rubio there, but he wasn't the only senator to offer a response to that state of the union tonight, was me? >> that's right. we also heard a response from the tea party express senator rand paul gave his rebuttal after senator rubio's rebuttal. a lot of people saying that his criticism of the president, senator and paul's, was much more harsh than senator rubio's. >> marci, thank you so much from our nation's capital tonight. chuck hagel could be approved as defense secretary by the end of the week. the armed services committee voted to send the nomination to the senate. republicans had threatened to block his nomination, but it appears there are enough votes to approve it. we're learning more now about what retirement will be like for pope benedict. the soon-to-be retiree will live in a monastery and will likely give up his beloved theological writing because of his frail
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health. a spokesman revealed benedict has a pacemaker and recently underwent surgery. >> over the past few years, he's certainly slowed down a bit. you can tell he had trouble negotiating steps. he started using the cane several months ago. not huge things. but a number of smaller ones, which take their toll. >> and still left for the vatican to decide is what exactly the ex-pope will be called. we haven't had an ex-pope in six centuries. >> we have no idea what to do with him. we don't know where to put him. >> it's rare territory for the catholic church. moving on to your wednesday weather. rain and mountain snow in the northwest. snow showers around fargo and the twin cities. morning rain from new orleans to the carolinas and d.c. rain changing over from snow from philly to new york. >> forts from boston to
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baltimore. 50s from atlanta to dallas and 50s in the pacific northwest. we know at least one thing for sure coming up with this next video. this is definitely not from your recent skiing vacation. check this guy out. he's a swedish skier taking part in a big mountain event in switzerland. >> it is definitely not me. everything is going fine until he triggers an avalanche. no problem. then he just pulls off a back flip as the snow encasing him down that mountain. he outruns it and safely finishes his trip to the bottom. >> wow! ride a wave, ride an avalanche. >> that was definitely not me. i don't so much ski as i make it down the mountain without dying. that dude has actual skill, not to mention bravery. >> i don't get off of the bunny hill. that's the furthest it will go. and i bust by butt every time. >> i'm still bruised, are you
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kidding me? it is brutal. coming up, you've all seen carrie underwood's couture at the grammys. the dress that lit up like a fireworks show, well, we'll tell you how they did it. fist, they say the president has betrayed them. why the president and soldiers who were shot at ft. hood say they're being victimized all over green. you're watching "world news now." i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. hen i found out medicare day all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out
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lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. welcome back, everybody. we now turn to an abc news investigation after that infamous shooting at ft. hood by
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major nadal hasan. you'll remember that 13 people were killed, 32 injured. >> more than three years later, some of the victims have filed lawsuits against the army, saying they're being victimized again. abc's brian ross gets answers. >> we want to warn you some of the video you're about to see is pretty graphic. >> reporter: at the state of the union three years ago, president obama arranged a hero's welcome for ft. hood police sergeant kimberly bundle. she now says she feels used. >> betrayal is a good word. >> reporter: she had been shot three times as she and her partner ended the deadly rampage. chaotic aftermath seen here for the first time in a new video obtained by abc news. authorities say the accused shooter, major nadal hasan, identified by victims as the man in this photo, communicated with an al qaeda leader and wanted to kill even more. >> he had over 177 rounds still
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left on his person. >> reporter: she's since been laid off and says the president broke the promise he made, that the ft. hood shooting victims would be well taken care of. >> not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of. in fact, they've been neglected very badly. >> reporter: so the president's promise was not fulfilled? >> no. >> reporter: what has so upset her and other victims and led them to file a lawsuit is the decision to deny the injured soldiers a purple heart, terming the ft. hood shooting workplace violence. retired staff sergeant shawn manning says that means lower medical care and a loss of tens of thousands in benefits. >> basically they're treating us like, you know, i was downtown and got hit by a car. >> reporter: the army says it's not true that victims are being neglected and secretary of the army john mchugh told abc news the purple heart can only be awarded if the attack involves a foreign terrorist element.
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>> to declare that soldier a foreign terrorist would have a profound effect on the ability to conduct a trial. >> reporter: are you satisfied with that? >> i think i've answered your questions repeatedly. >> reporter: congress will now introduce legislation to require victims to be given the benefits they say they are being denied. brian ross, abc news, new york. >> always makes me suspicious when someone walks out of an interview abruptly. always a very strange pr move, but always a very serious issue. >> one of the things going back to hasan is that the fbi did an investigation and looked into his findings and said it was all related to his professional research and didn't consider him a threat. >> that's always the scary part when red flags are there and nothing is done.
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in new york city once a
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year, the toy industry comes together for the largest trade show in the western hemisphere. here to give us the scoop on the must have toys is mom lori shack. we have a lot to get to. >> we do. i love toy fair, it's my favorite show, but it's not open to the public. i snuck in and i grabbed a few toys. these are things you'll see coming out later in the year. we're going to start right here with the drip drops. the drip drops introduce preschoolers to color. >> wow. >> so there's a whole app. it's free. it's a 3-d coloring book and this is an augmented reality racing game. so kids are chasing the rainbow, but they feel like they're doing it right in their own room. this is ollie the octopus. ollie has eight tentacles, and they're all musical. we touch his patch and we get
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musical sounds. we can change the sounds and we get classical music. >> this is great. for a little guy, this is great. >> this is the go say morpher. it's a card reader, just like what the kids see on tv. >> ready to go and fight some crime. >> you'll see all kinds of cards, legendary rangers coming back this year. you're also going to see a lot of new doll introductions this year. fashion dolls, they're wonderful. but i have two of my favorites. first, this is pinky cooper. >> oh, look how cute she is. >> she goes to a school called the world academy of fashion, or woof. they are interchangeable, they come right off. great hair play. and she has her little friend, little pinky. of course, we can also change those ears. >> this is a great play on
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having a pet but also a doll and being able to incorporate all this. i love that. >> disney infinity was introduced this year. you put them on an infinity base, they come to life. then you can collect things, put them into a virtual toy box where kids can go in and virtually pull out all their favorite characters and play together. >> and last but not least, our favorite one. >> this is very cool. this is called the elite helix. it is a quad copter. you can fly this beginner or expert. here we go. i'm still learning. it's very crash resistant. i've crashed this a number of times. >> should i help it? >> no, no, i got it.
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>> why is it over me? >> i can't make it move, but i'm trying. all right, lori, thank you so much. for detailed information on all the toys, logon to our facebook page, you're watching "world news now." be frustrating. ard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien.
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display. and abc's amy robach has the scoop on the designer who pulled this whole thing off. >> reporter: when carrie underwood took the stage, her singing was flawless. ♪ but it may have been her dress that stole the show. carrie sang "two black cadillacs." images of stars, roses and butterflies were projected like magic onto the dress. and more incredibly, the designer had just days to make it. >> we got the call on a friday two weeks ago, we need the dress in a week. carrie wants something unique and she wants it to be something that could have a movie projected on it. >> reporter: it had more than
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100 yards of tulle and thousands of crystals hand sewn on, taking a team of four more than 80 hours to make. and how did they project the images onto the dress? her creative director dreamed up the idea. >> i thought, wouldn't it be cool if she wasn't stuck in the same gown for the whole performance. >> reporter: two projectors hung from the ceiling projecting the images onto the dress. each one timed perfectly with the song. on the night of the grammys, underwood had to stand in one place, even singing on an apple crate to elevate her. millions watched sunday night. can you re-create your reaction when you saw it on stage? >> tears. >> that's one of the coolest things i've ever seen. >> visually to me that was one
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of the more interesting part of the nights. it was something different. it's hard to stand out, but that was something that most folks had never seen. >> it was quite the prom dress. >> i kind of figured it was a projector. we is smart. >> oh, yeah.
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this morning on "world news now," a dangerous standoff comes to a violent end. >> now police wait to see whether one of the most wanted men in the nation was inside a home that burned to the ground. it's wednesday, february 13th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good wednesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson.
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>> and i'm diana perez. events are still unfolding in california, but we now know that the charred human remains were found inside of the cabin, but police still don't know for certain whether it was christopher dorner. more on that in just a moment. but first a look at some of the other headlines. president obama offers a renewed plan for the economy. also coming up in this half hour, best in show. how a pup with a strange name and a mug like a monkey won the hearts of some of the toughest judges at the westminster dog show. >> how adorable. and valentine's day makeover for men. the flowers are ordered and the champagne is on ice, so listen up, guys, we're going to show you how to make sure you look good for that romantic evening. >> i have my moccasins, my vinyl jump suit.
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i'm ready. >> there's a whole lot less that girls want. that's just me. >> is there something in terms of male attire, you look at shoes, jeans, a shirt? >> a bow tie and manicure. >> bow tie? really? >> but that's it. >> you think a bow tie is sexy. >> but that's it. >> oh, pardon me. i'm a little slow. where is my caffeine this morning? that went over my head. but first, we'll get back to that, the apparent end of a manhunt for christopher dorner and those breaking developments police now say a charred body has been located in the cabin where dorner was holed up but positive identification is still pending. >> tragically, dorner made good on his pledge and killed another law officer before barricading himself. abc's cecilia vega has the latest. >> reporter: it was in this cabin deep in big bear mountain outside los angeles that the ten-day international manhunt
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for christopher dorner may have come to its grisly end. after an intense day-long standoff with police, the cabin in which the suspect had been holed up went up in flames. whether he survived is unknown. >> we believe that there -- that the person that barricaded himself inside the cabin and engaged in gunfire with our deputies and other law enforcement officers is still inside there, even though the building burned, yes. >> reporter: the dramatic showdown began, volleys of gunfire exchanged between officers and the man they believed to be dorner. formally one of their own with a million dollar bounty on his head, holed up inside this hillside cabin, all captured on camera by kcbs. earlier, he tied up two women and stole their vehicle. 33-year-old dorner, a lieutenant in the u.s. navy reserves, honorably discharged, had been
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fired in 2009 from the lapd. he threatened individual officers in an eight-page manifesto against the department that he posted online. police launched the largest manhunt in lapd history, following up on more than 1,000 tips. hundreds of officers crisscrossing the country for days, including efforts in tijuana, mexico, san diego county and big bear. the possible motive, all spelled out in that online manifesto where dorner accused specific officers of covering up police brutality by making him the scapegoat. he vowed revenge, writing when the truth comes out, the killing stops. so many questions remain as authorities now sift through the rubble on big bear mountain. i'm cecilia vega in los angeles. >> just so funny how this case developed. yesterday we were talking about he could have escaped to tijuana, mexico, and then he was still in the same general
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vicinity. >> under their noses almost. >> sometimes it's the smartest thing, you're right there and it's easy to hide that way sometimes because they're looking so many places elsewhere. >> and not to be forgotten, four victims here, two police officers, two civilians, one of them the daughter of a former police officer and the person who represented him in his trial where he was fired from the lapd. so that's not to be forgotten in all of this. and right now it's looking like the body inside the cabin is dorner's. >> you have to imagine with the high profile nature of this case, they will work very quickly. probably sometime later today they can officially say this was the guy. there's such intense interest in him. they want to make sure for their own safety this was the guy. >> that's right. so hopefully an end to what's been a long and arduous week for the lapd. moving on now to the president's state of the union address. in his hour-long speech before
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congress last night, the president admitted that the nation's economic revival remains "an unfinished task" and he called for bipartisan congressional action on new government initiatives aimed at creating jobs. >> nothing i'm proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime. it is not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad based growth. >> among the president's proposals is a minimum wage hike from $7.25 to $9 by 2015. he called for compromise on undefined spending cuts and tax increases. rising republican star marco rubio gave the gop response to the president's speech last night. the florida senator says the president has shifted the nation away from free market economic principles that have helped the middle class families achieve prosperity.
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rubio called for more personal responsibility. >> the truth is every problem can't be solved by the government. many are caused by a moral breakdown in our society and the answer to these challenges lie primarily in our families, and our faiths. not our politicians. >> and there was a much tweeted about moment when rubio stopped for a second to swig from a water bottle. you see it right there. he later tweeted a picture of the bottle. former bush spokesman ari fleischer gave this hint, crank down the ac. the emotional high point of the president's address came in his call to action for stricter gun laws. many members of congress and dozens of victims of gun violence wore ribbons to honor those killed by firearms. in his speech, the president called for an up or down vote on his gun law proposals, which include a new assault weapons ban and a limit on high capacity ammunition clips. and former congresswoman gabrielle giffords and her husband mark kelly were among
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those at the speech. she continues her rehabilitation after being attacked two years ago. they now lead a political action committee which is working on new curbs on guns. >> that was the emotional apex of that speech last night, the biggest applause line and was very powerful. there were 42 victims of gun violence in that room and it was emotional. but you could see just how gridlocked congress is, because the president is rousing part of that crowd up. you see john boehner sitting back rather stoic. so it is deeply divided. there seems to be a little more consensus, perhaps on the high ammunition clips, as well as the background checks. but we don't know where that debate is going to go.
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>> the president kept repeating it, they deserve a vote, they deserve a vote. and he referenced gabrielle giffords, the people from newtown and he continued to say they deserve a vote. that was definitely the apex of the speech yesterday and another moment that also rousing applause is when he was talking about immigration reform and said i want a vote. send me a vote immediately and i will pass it. send me a bill and i will pass it. >> that was a rare moment when everyone stood up because the growing hispanic influence in the country is having a big effect here at home where our politics, even with the next pope. we're seeing that play out a lot of different ways. interesting demographic time for the country. moving on to other news. millions of christians around the world are marking the first day of lent. lent is the period of fasting and reflection leading up to easter. later at the vatican, the pope will celebrate the first public mass since his surprise resignation. the small but passionate wrestling community is outraged this morning now that their
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sport has been all but dropped from the summer olympics. it will be included in the games in 2016, but voted to drop it after that. now along with seven other sports, it must apply to be part of the games for 2020. its inclusion is considered unlikely. a huge astroid is about to wizz by our planet, but scientists say we have nothing to worry about. the space rock is about half the size of a football field, which would make it the largest astroid in recorded history to come so close to earth. on friday, it will pass just 17,000 miles away, closer than some weather satellites. people in the eastern hemisphere may be able to spot it if they have a telescope. that epic blizzard that left parts of the northeast under snow is still posing a threat five days after the first flakes fell. dozens of roofs have collapsed in connecticut where snow totals topped three feet. workers have been scrambling to clear snow from flat roofs. >> the ripple effect of a monster storm.
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here's a look now at your forecast. a little more snow for southern new england, new york and philadelphia. rain from d.c. to orlando and much of the gulf coast. a couple of inches of snow across minnesota and north dakota. mountain snow in the cascades and northern rockies and showers from seattle to portland. >> mostly 40s from omaha to chicago. 54 in atlanta and 84 in miami. a florida woman got quite a shock when she checked the front of her car. see those yellow eyes peering out from behind the grill? that's right, they belong to a great horned owl. the driver had hit it 100 miles back. >> how the bird managed to survive the hit and then the ride is a miracle. veterinarians who checked him out said he was no worse for the wear after the journey. they hope to eventually return the bird to the wild. >> wow. and that bird had to be wondering about the driver. who, who, who. >> who's going to get me out, who? >> coming up next, something for
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the guys when it comes to valentine's day. what to wear to impress your date. >> or what not to wear. and later on, he had to say it, top dog. which breed won best in show at the westminster dog show? you're watching "world news now." ♪ blach
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♪ being a sharp dressed man, of course, is always important. but especially on valentine's day, whether you're on a first date or whether you've been married for years. >> and getting the right look is actually easier than you think. we sent abc's molly hunter to get some expert advice. good tips you got? >> reporter: good morning. this was a tough assignment. i visited the headquarters of one of the most stylish men's magazines for some simple tips any guy can follow. with valentine's day fast approaching, the pressure is on to impress your date. with flowers, chocolates and restaurants to think about, your outfit should be the least of your worries.
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so what to wear? in search of expert advice, we asked matthew martin what men should and should not wear on a romantic night out. the choices are endless, and the options overwhelming. matthew put together three full-proof low maintenance outfits for the average guy. >> here we've got a simple outfit. it's a great leather jacket, a white jean. yes, you can wear white jeans. and we've put on a pair of simple sneakers. but very chic and simple look. this is a sweater from steven allen. i love this sweater. you could wear it to a restaurant. you could wear it to cooking someone dinner. it's a versatile look. and i love the simplicity. this is for going from the office to your date. and the thing i love about this, is notice the suit itself. this is a perfect outfit your wear to work.
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you still look super chic and professional. he looks clean and minimal, simple and gorgeous and put together. >> reporter: what's your go-to look? >> my favorite is the suit. it's really easy and if you get a suit that fits you, it's more comfortable than a t-shirt or pair of jeans. if you don't know your size, go to a department store and you can get sized out really quickly. >> reporter: you heard the man, go simple and classic this valentine's day. so rob, when it comes to men's fashion, less is more. all you need is a good suit, some worn jeans or cool sneakers. >> there we go. >> asking for a lot from men, though. that knit sweater was a little on the border. >> but that suit, any day. >> the leather jacket was hot, too.
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>> too much attention on fashion when everybody ends up buck naked at the end of the day any way. keep it in perspective. i'm practical. sorry, molly. welcome. still ahead, the news you've all been waiting for. >> there's a winner in the best in show after westminster dog show. you're watching "world news now."ñc?xús1@ú?
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after a tense two days of judging, the nation has a new top dog this morning. >> the winner named just a few hours ago at madison square garden here in new york. >> for the 137th westminster kennel club dog show, the affenpinscher. >> meet banana joe, named best
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in show at the 137th westminster kennel club dog show last night. the 5-year-old dog beat out nearly 3,000 other dogs to take the top crown. >> it's almost undescribable. it's just a wonderful thing as a tribute for a small breed with such a big heart. >> reporter: if banana joe looks smug, it's because he's won best in show 86 times, but never here at the super bowl of dog show, where he crushed the final round competition, which included a 20-month-old sheep dog, a portuguese water dog, and a german wire haired pointer. >> miss new york. >> reporter: unlike miss america, there's no talent category here, no question and answer round, but it's every bit a beauty contest. as dogs descended on the big apple, we got a look at their
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regimen. treadmills, blowouts, manicures, even pilates. >> it's a great event for anybody in the sport, anybody who loves dog. >> reporter: the annual convention of canine perfection began before the lightbulb was invented, history that's likely lost on banana joe, the first of his breed to ever win the westminster. it's the last win for banana joe. this morning, he's officially retired. >> when you see his face, i was expecting a much bigger dog. like his face looked like he was huge.
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have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion.
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in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. welcome, everybody. this is "the mix." we're starting out with kind of like the antithesis to a valentine's day present. there is competition to help unhappy couples move forward and he says he will give anybody free divorces valentine's day if the person can come up with the best breakup story yet. so this is ordinarily $1,500 to
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$3,000, but he says he'll give it for free if you come one a good story. the deadline is february 12th. >> so it pasted. the deadline is february 12th. >> so it passed. it's over. but he said he was inspired by the idea because he went to someone's divorce celebration. if you're not happy and you break out and you're able to do it cleanly. >> you get a good free divorce. you tell all your friends and all year friends go to the same guy. >> so congrats to that one special couple in michigan. but a free divorce ain't a bad deal. this headline caught our eye. this may come in handy, this news. watching porn is the easiest way to catch a virus on your smartphone. my mind went to a different place.
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let me clarify what this means. compared to a pc, a user is three times -- >> i thought you were going to say something else. >> a user is three times more likely to download malware when downloading x-rated material on a smartphone. so you're much more likely to catch something bad on your smartphone if you're out there looking for adult material. just a heads up for all you guys out there. here's something interesting. this apparently went viral. there was a blog called bitter barista. it's a guy who works at starbucks in seattle. he was basically making fun of all the customers saying in one quote, my only goal for the month is to figure out how to pour a pitcher of a middle finger in latte art. any way, a website discovered who he was and put that out there. he's been fired but he is getting other job offers from
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other coffee shops. >> wow. anybody who works in the service industry has a right to vent. the public can be rough to deal with. also new dance craze. gangnam style was the big thing in 2012. the harlem shake is the new thing in 2013. it's gone viral. i've never seen it before. i got to be honest.
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this morning on "world news now," a violent ending to a week-long manhunt. >> first a shootout, then a standoff and a fire. this morning, authorities hoping they've ended a murder spree by one of america's most wanted men. it's wednesday, february 13th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everybody.
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i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm diana perez. we'll have more on the still developing situation in california. but first, a look at some of the other stories that we're following for you this morning. president obama gives his fourth state of the union address, focusing on jobs, the economy and education. we're live in our nation's capital with more on the president's speech and the reaction. >> interesting setting of the stage for the second term. >> not what a lot of people were expecting. >> a little less partisan. the inaugural was criticized for being very partisan. so we'll see what it means when the theater of it is over with. also this half hour, love is in the air. of course, tomorrow being valentine's day. but what about playing cupid as a career? we'll stake you inside an actual matchmaking school. should be very interesting. >> i wonder what they ever teach you? >> did you ever go on a blind date? >> blind dates, no. but i've been set up on awful, awful dates.
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so i would love to know what you learn as a matchmaker. my record is like 0-10. >> really? >> it's really bad. i'm no longer allowed to do it. >> that piece is for you then. plus, chris brown creating trouble again. there's a fresh fallout from the bad boy's community service scandal. it may now be costing someone their job. we'll explain all that in "the skinny." >> he just can't stay out of the headlines. new details on the breaking news overnight from southern california. christopher dorner's run from the law appears, and we should strongly emphasize that word at this point, appears to have ended inside that mountain cabin. >> that's where a gun battle ensued, followed by a raging fire. police say before dorner holed himself in that cabin, he killed a deputy sheriff, bringing the murder total to four. abc's brandi hitt is joining us from los angeles with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. the fiery and deadly shootout
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with police is over. now authorities are sifting flu a massive crime scene, as we wait for official word that a suspect believed to be christopher dorner was killed. >> this is a relentless fire. >> reporter: the manhunt for accused cop killer christopher dorner has taken another deadly turn. after a week on the run, police say a suspect matching dorner's description was involved in a shootout with deputies. >> we believe that someone was inside and that was the person that stole the vehicle and fled, then abandoned the vehicle, ran into the forest and inside this cabin where he barricaded himself and was engaged in gunfire with our deputy sheriffs, shot two of our deputy sheriffs and one of those deputies died. >> reporter: authorities say he first held two women hostage in their home, including jay hilton's wife. >> he tied them up and stole the
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car. they're okay, as far as we know. >> reporter: in fact, one of the hostages untied herself and called 911. but when deputies caught up to the suspect, he abandoned the stolen car and fled on foot leading to a shootout. the intense moments of gunfire were caught on the air. [ gunfire ] that's when authorities say the suspect barricaded himself inside this cabin. s.w.a.t. teams surrounded the home and released this message. >> enough is enough. it's time to turn yourself in and stop the bloodshed. it's time to let this event and this incident be over. >> reporter: but dorner promised there would be no negotiating. gunshots were fired, then a fire that burned through the night. despite early reports that a body has been found at the scene, the lapd says no body has been removed because the cabin
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is still too hot to search. >> thanks a lot, brandi. they're not confirming this is the guy. some sources are saying all signs would seem to indicate it is dorner. again, we probably won't know until tomorrow. but it's probably a safe assumption to say it is the suspect. >> interesting about this cabin where he was holed up. the owner was interviewed by another media outlet. he was asked whether or not the cabin was equipped with internet and television access because they were worried he would be monitoring media reports. but of course we know if he is the person that is in the cabin, and according to police it sounds like the suspect is him, he didn't have any access to television or the internet. that's what they were hoping for. >> we'll keep an eye on that story.
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moving on now to the president's call for bipartisan cooperation in his state of the union address last night. the president urged lawmakers to work together during his hour-long speech last night, to complete what he called the "unfinished task of the nation's economic revival." >> abc's marci gonzalez joins us with the details. good morning. >> reporter: the president outlined his second term agenda. the big focus, jobs and economic growth. >> the president of the united states. thank you. >> reporter: president obama touching on topics from education to strengthening the middle class. >> it is our up finished task to make sure this government works on behalf of the many, not just the few. >> reporter: as the president
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gave the state of the union address, a noticeable presence of victims of gun violence. >> it has been two months since newtown. i know this is not the first time this country has debated how to reduce gun violence. but this time is different. >> reporter: the president also announced that half of the troops now serving in afghanistan, about 34,000, will be home by this time next year. but the focus remains primarily on the economy, with several proposals including a plan to raise the minimum wage. >> tonight, let's declare that in the wealthiest nation on earth, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty. >> reporter: republicans spot back, the response given in both spanish and english by marco rubio, who accused the president of hurting the middle class with deficit spending and tax hikes. >> the idea that more taxes and government spending is the best way to help middle class taxpayers, that's an old idea that's failed every time it's been tried.
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>> reporter: now the president will go on the road to promote that agenda. he just outlined his first stop north carolina later today. rob? >> back on the campaign trail. marci, i have saw you many mornings here, so officially welcome to the network. >> reporter: thank you. in other news this morning, new details today and that disabled cruise ship being towed to an alabama port. the cruise line is now apologizing. passengers have described chaotic conditions, including overflowing toilets and limited access to food. there are also fears about the spread of disease, particularly the norovirus. with good weather conditions, that ship should reach mobile, alabama, by tomorrow. another benefit to a common supplement used by millions of expectant mothers. folic acid can reduce the chance of having a child with autism by
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40%. that's if women take it a month before conception and two months into pregnancy. the study followed more than 85,000 norwegian mothers who gave birth between 2002 and 2008. carnival season is officially over this year, and gloomy skies a little bit of rain did not stop it from going out with a bang. >> about a million party goers crammed into new orleans for fat tuesday festivities. but forecasts may have kept away the feint of heart, but most of the revelers were so focused on the drinks and beads, they didn't pay much attention to the rain. >> the party wrapped up at midnight just in time to usher in ash wednesday. most people forget there is a religious history behind mardi gras. so now the lent season begins to repent of the last two weeks of partying. coming up next, more
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coverage from the president's state of the union. what's real, what's rehearsed and what's purely accidental? but first, just in time for valentine's day, we'll take you to a matchmaking school for tips on finding love this valentine's day. you're watching "world news now." have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness,
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she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. and she's not exactly tidy. even if she gets a stain she'll wear it for a week straight. so i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. since i'm the one who has to do the laundry. i do what any expert dad would do. i let her play sheriff. i got 20 minutes to life. you are free to go. [ dad ] tide and downy. great on their own, even better together.
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♪ ♪ ♪ cupid, draw back your bow and let your arrow go ♪ ♪ straight to my lover's heart >> getting in the mood already. all right. we're less than 24 hours to that special day dedicated to cupid and finding love. >> it made us wonder, can you learn to be a matchmaker? or better yet, can you make a living out of it? welcome, lana. what can you tell us, what secrets are there? >> get professional help. it's a big, big business. $2 billion and a sizable share of that cash is going to personal matchmakers. there's even a school here in new york that trains all of those brokers of the heart. we go inside as they share their tips for finding love in modern america. modern day cupid do it for love
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and money. like the millionaire matchmaker whose clients spend thousands hoping she'll deliver a soul mate. but can you do what they do? behind this door is a class for cupids, the matchmaking institute. an actual state accredited school founded by lisa clampett. are you still learning about love? >> everything. >> reporter: business is booming. her course draws people from all over, like jason silver from chicago. >> i had an incredible experience with a matchmaker who helped me find my wife. she coached me along wit and i was inspired to help others. >> reporter: they're kind of personal assistants for your love life. evonne is trading in her clients who need legal advice for those that need love advice. >> people have to step away from their old habits and look at what they're doing day to day to increase the probability that they'll meet a match.
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>> reporter: and they have advice for you. first, be specific. >> be decisive and say let's go out next thursday at 8:00. anyone can do that. >> reporter: ignore the nonessentials. >> most people are so interested in shared interests, like what kind of music do you listen to? >> reporter: and of course, you can't hurry love. >> immediately on date one, they're talking about getting married. it comes across as being very -- what's the word i'm looking for? >> reporter: desperate. >> desperate, exactly. and that is a no-no. >> tomorrow morning, two brave souls are letting our cameras tag along, answering the question, can we learn something about how to be successful at love? you'll have to tune in to see what happens next. >> sounds interesting. >> can folks make money doing this? >> a lot of money, especially these high-end matchmaker. an interesting thing about the
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model, very often they charge the guys but not the girls. >> uh-huh, uh-huh. another double standard against us men folk. >> i almost said i'm signing up. i've been married for 5 1/2 years. >> we'll see you again tomorrow. still ahead, why chris brown's criminal case may have claimed a man's job. >> and lots of celebrity baby news. "the skinny" is coming up next.
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♪ skinny, so skinny skinny in the house! >> oh, man. good morning, willis. good morning, america. all right, y'all know the chris brown case. back in 2009, and the assault against his then girlfriend rihanna, now of course they're back together. the whole mess there. apparently the scandal has cost a police chief his job. apparently the l.a. district attorney is looking into the idea maybe there was some discrepancies of his community service requirement, meaning he didn't live up to the court prescribed obligations. well, now the chief of police in richmond decided to step down, not giving exact reasons why,
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but assuming it's linked to this case. the mayor of that town on tuesday accepted the resignation. brown was supposed to do 180 days of community service as part of a five-year probation, but apparently there were discrepancies in this report that the police chief signed off on and it's cost him his job. more fallout. weird story. >> it's a story that keeps getting worse and worse. moving on to much happier news. my celebrity crush, penelope cruz, you remember, is pregnant for the second time. they just announced that they are pregnant. no word on the baby's sex or when the baby is due. also, alec baldwin's wife also announced they're pregnant with their first baby. he's 54, she's 28. she is his yoga instructor. and apparently the baby is due this summer. it's going to be the first child
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for her, but baldwin's second child. >> one thing for sure, they'll be some good-looking kids. you can count on that. and attention all you gaga fans out there, apparently she's called off shows this week in chicago, auburn hills, michigan and hamilton, canada, because of chronic joint pain that she says she's been hiding from her fans. so she announced it over a series of tweeting, saying i've been praying it would heal. i hid it from my staff. i didn't want to disappoint my amazing fans. but after last night's perform i could not walk and still can't. she's apologizing saying i hope you forgive me. but apparently those shows have been canceled, a total of four shows. she's a very physical performer, so hope she gets better soon and all those monsters get their tickets refunded. >> just because she's canceled shows doesn't mean we hate on
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twitter now, because that happens all the time. she's sick. let's leave her alone and let her heal and she'll give you a good, good show. last thing, this is interesting. matt damon says he'll no longer go to the bathroom until everyone has access to clean water and sanitation. but i find that hard to believe and hard to fathom he's not going to use the bathroom. >> number one or number two? >> neither. >> come on, matt, you're full of intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid kblap. when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien.
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last night leading up to the state of the union, we were reminded of all the theater that comes with these big political speeches. >> the hand shakes, the applause lines, even the seating arrangements. and of course, the unscripted moments.
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>> the president of the united states. >> reporter: you want to think the pomp and ceremony like this is state in stone, but there's been a fair amount of improv going on. last year's speech, the guy shaking the president's hand, the year before that, the same guy. more than ten years before, same guy. 24 years before, same guy. new york's eliot engel, who always gets there hours ahead of time. >> people are so used to seeing me, if i didn't show up they would think i was sick or something. >> reporter: there's that whole point to the heros in the high seats thing, year after year. but it only started in 1982 when a man named lenny skutnick improved a rescue in real life. audience improv. there was the time president obama tweaked the supreme court decision on campaign financing. justice scalia retweaked. not true. definitely part of the ceremony. john von dam, abc news,
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washington. >> that one dude's commitment every year to get that prime seat hours later like it's a stones concert. >> i love how he said i have to do it, otherwise people would worry. >> to each his own. it is political theater. interesting moments from last night. there was one moment where the president did a fist bump, and i like this, with senator mark kirk from illinois. you may remember him, because he had a serious stroke several months back, and finally was able to come back to congress. there was a famous scene of him walking up the steps. so that was a cool moment between the senator and the president. >> and another moment, this probably caught the president off guard, she came over and gave the president a big kiss on the cheek and you can probably see it there, she left her red lipstick right on his cheek.
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give me some sugar. it was wiped off by the time he went on the stage. >> more from abc next.
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breaking news right now, on "america this morning." >> human remains have been located in a burnt cabin this morning, after a dramatic and deadly siege in the christopher dorner manhunt. political push. president obama's state of the union address. his proposals outline how they'll impact you. and his big request to members of congress.
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flight fright. a passenger's first flight turned into a frightening ordeal. what was supposed to be a happy occasion was anything but. and top dog. the little black pup with a giant personality. meet banana joe, this year's winner of the westminster dog show. and good wednesday morning, everybody. we do begin with that breaking news out of southern california. investigators have located charred human remains within the debris of that burned-out cabin, where it's believed christopher dorner was holed up. >> if dorner is positively identified, it would bring an end to a massive manhunt for the former lapd officer. abc's brandi hitt has more from l.a. >> a very volatile situation. >> reporter: the manhunt for accused cop-killer, christopher dorner, now centers on this burned-out cabin in th


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